Zurich, Switzerland - An Extraordinary Weekend Seminar - To Develop Your Clairvoyance Heal Your Soul-Self and Advance on Your Spiritual Path
A Profound and Powerful Weekend Seminar
To Develop Your Psychic Abilities to Communicate & Creatively Express Yourself as a Soul
Forum Im Licht Presents
Michael J Tamura
World-Renown Spiritual Teacher, Clairvoyant Visionary, Radio Show Host & Award-Winning Author of YOU ARE THE ANSWER [In English with immediate German Translation]

Psychic Communication,
Prayer Healing
Living Your Most Joy-Filled Life
2 PM - 9 PM Central European Time Each Day (5 AM - 12 PM Pacific / 8 AM - 3 PM Eastern US)
Michael’s Welcome Letter:
May Switzerland Letter
Michael’s Invitation to his May 2021 Zurich Weekend Seminar:
2020 May 22 - May 23, Switzerland Event Write-Up
For All Details in German and To Register, Click Here for Im Licht (Event Organizer) Page:
Sa/So 22./23. Mai 2021, 10.00 Uhr - ONLINE - Feinstoffliche Kommunikation und heilende Meditation: Ein Leben voller Freude!