November 2024
As taught by:
Raphaelle Tamura
An After-Class Get-Together on Zoom from 2 - 3:30 P.M. if you like! It will follow the idea of what we have done before in the "Q & A, Talk-Story and Tea" presentations.
Shape Class #11
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific
Let’s Talk About Mediumship: Keeping it Clean & Maintaining Seniority
Lots is happening in the world right, not the least of which is sometimes unbelievable and blatant displays of mediumship-gone-wild, wouldn’t you agree? It’s been a while since we have had a direct chat about mediumship - your own and others. This is a perfect chance to check in on this part of yourself and how you are handling it these days - and to give yourself a healing in this area which includes clearing out the influence of the mediumship and programming energies of others that you have taken on as well as checking in on how you can get your own mediumship under your better control. Can we have fun doing this? Yes we can! Join me for this memorable and much needed class which includes an after-class get-together. I hope to see you there.
Who May Attend: The SHAPE Community, Graduates of: A Clairvoyant Program from a school or teacher approved by us (if you are not sure you qualify, please call and ask), as well as graduates of the AHA! Program and of the Psychic Tools and Life Master Practices Course (Also Known as the "Levels Course Grads"). You must be in good standing with us if you do qualify. If you are not sure about this, please call and ask: (530) 926-2650.
Register: Call Debbie at our office at 1(530) 926-2650 or use the website. If you don't sign up for it in time by the end of this week (Dec. 22), watch the private SHAPE FB sites for instructions on how to pay for it or text me directly as most of you know my phone number now. It would be easiest if you sign up for it this week, though.
As Taught by:
Raphaelle Tamura
11 AM - 1 PM Pacific / 2 PM - 4 PM Eastern / 8 PM - 10 PM Central European
Exploring & Healing Your Chakras: Energy Work to Brighten You Up!
“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “circle” and in some translations, “spinning wheel.” When an ancient clairvoyant looked at a human being’s energy field, he or she observed consistently at least seven major “circles” or chakras up and down the spinal column within the body - and these are seen still by modern clairvoyants as well. In today’s class we will explore each of the seven major chakras (and if time, some of the minor ones as well) and I will also teach you how to clean them out in simple yet effective psychic exercises which, if practiced, can move you away from the daily fogginess of energy inundation you often experience to clarity and feeling great. I’d love it if you would join me for this class (more advanced students welcome even if just for a review and a great clean-out!)
Who May Attend: This event is open to everyone, including a warm invitation to SHAPE members.
Register: Order through the website or call our office at (530) 926-2650 during regular business hours (California Time) to register.