What is Our 6-Level Foundation Course
A Message from Michael J Tamura about his Comprehensive Foundation Audio Course of Spiritual Study and Practices:
Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul Purpose
Click here for more information and to browse and purchase the classes
Dear Friends and Awakening Souls,
I’ve often heard that the third time’s the charm. It’s true. Since I died for the third time on August 10, 2011, I’ve been blessed to bring back more of myself - and what I know from our spiritual home - to share with you here. This journey has been so profound that I had to cross the great divide three times to get to where I am now.
Although I started teaching spiritual awareness and clairvoyant development over 45 years ago, it was in 2003, that I realized the time had come to pass on what I’ve learned as a spiritual healer to a few souls who were committed to walking the path of healing. I put out the call to see if anyone was interested in apprenticing to the life of healing. Over four hundred fifty people applied of which I accepted about half. And the Healers’ Apprenticeship was born. Two hundred of these apprentices completed the Foundation Series and continued on to form the Advanced Healers’ Apprenticeship - or, AHA!
It was during my first year of teaching the Healers’ Apprenticeship that I died physically for my first time. During that first death, while I was in spirit, out of my body, I was told that I had already accomplished far more than I had set out to do in this lifetime and I was free to choose to remain in spirit or return to my earthly incarnation. I surrendered my choice in favor of what the council of masters decided would be of greatest benefit. Their vote was unanimous - I would accomplish much more for the greater good if I returned to my earthly incarnation. I agreed with one request: I’d like help in healing my body that I may function better in the world upon my return. Instantly, I found myself back in my body, gasping for breath and feeling my heart kick-starting.
I was given enough time to complete what I could in the Advanced Healers’ Apprenticeship, but soon after, I had to change my fundamental relationship to life here if I were to succeed in carrying out my new teaching work. I had to die again - and return - in order to learn to live my eternal life, while still in this mortal body.
My teaching began to take a new direction. In order to teach people to be able to live their true soul purpose, I had to show them how to relate to life without end. Most people, I realized, even many spiritual people, live as if their life begins at birth and ends at death, that their days begin upon waking up and end when they go to sleep. Living in this world, we tend to become hostages to time. Yet, life has no beginning or ending. Real life is eternal, without limits or conditions. We are spirit and, to live our purpose, we must learn to live the everlasting life of spirit. I had to bring more awareness to the art and science of dying, so that more people could learn to live as immortal souls.
By the beginning of 2009, Raphaelle and I began to develop a unique sanctuary of learning for spiritual healers, clairvoyant readers, leaders, and teachers who were part of our overall Spiritual Community Without Walls that we started sixteen years earlier. This would not only expand upon our AHA! Community, but also set the new direction in which to guide it. We renamed the more advanced learning part of our overall community, SHAPE: Seers and Healers Advanced Practice Experience. We invited all who had graduated from our Advanced Healers’ Apprenticeship program, as well as those who were graduates of approved full clairvoyant training programs. Through this newly expanded SHAPE Community, Raphaelle and I hoped to provide the education and experience for spiritual healers and clairvoyant readers, teachers, and leaders to learn to share their wisdom and expertise to the world, especially during its massive and extraordinary transition years.
So profound and inspiring were the experiences of kindred and loving souls coming together to learn and practice in this SHAPE Community that more and more people became attracted to its radiant illumination. Yet, part of what made the community so extraordinary was that we required each of its members to have already completed extensive training to be able to communicate and function together at a high level of awareness and energy, compassion and wisdom. Up to now, however, the only way we’ve been able to invite a new person to participate in this beautiful community of kindred loving souls was to require him or her to graduate from an approved full clairvoyant training program. This was a basic necessity for us to be able to teach the group just as an American university might need its students to have had many years of studying English before they could be invited to participate fully in its advanced courses. The members of this unique community likewise had to be able to speak the same language and be able to live in a new kind of culture.
Although we still recommend that a person seeking to participate in our SHAPE Classes and Events take one of the approved clairvoyant training programs, we also realized that the time has come for us to provide our own alternate avenue to our SHAPE Community. We know from years of experience that for the dedicated, sensitive, and awakening souls who are here to help usher in a new world in which we live fully intuitively and compassionately, relate to one another as immortal souls, and daily live our purpose, this advanced learning community can be an oasis of experience, education, and camaraderie. One way or another, we are creating a world in which everyone is capable of healing themselves and helping to heal one another. We know there are many more of you in the world seeking to live the miracle and blaze the trail, so that everyone can make the shift from living a body-based intellectual life to living a spirit-centered intuitive one. Now, we are delighted to be able to offer you a wonderful new kind of comprehensive course of spiritual study and practices that we’ve been developing over the years to help guide you to that promised land.
Our Comprehensive Foundation Course, Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul Purpose, was originally given in person as six progressive levels of study and practice. Now, we’ve edited and mastered the audio recordings of the whole course to make it available to you as a downloadable, audio self-study course. Each level of study and practice is made up of multiple 2-Hr. classes along with a number of weekend seminars. You will be able to enroll in any or all of the Level 1 Classes at any time. It is recommended that you go through each Class at least a few times on your own to practice over time. You can enroll in as many or as few classes as you wish for Levels 1 through 4. However, if you are not already a graduate of AHA! or an approved clairvoyant program, it will not be advisable to take more than one or two classes in the higher level without fully completing the previous level. Completion of Levels 1 − 4 will be required before you will be allowed to take any Level 5 classes. For those of you who wish to be considered for participating in the SHAPE Community, you will be required to successfully complete all the Classes and Required Weekend Seminars through Level 5 by the downloadable audio recordings. For those who qualify, we will make available Level 6 of this course which will be the beginning of the New Intermediate SHAPE Course, the completion of which will allow you to be considered for participation in the Full SHAPE Community Courses and Events.
Whether you are seeking to learn to develop your own innate psychic abilities and make the shift to living a dramatically more spiritual and intuitive life or you already know that you are here on earth at this time to help awaken many souls and are seeking the tools and practices essential to being able to fulfill your purpose, we welcome and encourage you to join us in our great new adventure. If you haven’t already, we invite you to sign up for our Free Introductory 2-Hour Audio Class, Your Psychic Development, Soul Purpose, and Life Mastery. (Just sign-up for our free newsletter on this website and the link to download this class will be emailed to you).
We are looking forward to hearing of your progress in your self-study classes!
May the Light of Truth illuminate your every step and God’s Love guide your every action. With gratitude, love, and laughter,
Michael Tamura
Open to Everyone!
Our Comprehensive 6-Level Foundation Audio Course of Spiritual Study and Psychic Practices
Michael J Tamura
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Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul Purpose
Level 1
Developing Your Psychic Abilities to Live Your Soul Purpose Every Day
12 Classes (24 Hours of Classes)
Level 2
Spiritual Practices to Begin Mastering Psychic Energy
and Your Mind to Live Your Soul Purpose
18 Classes + 2 Weekend Seminars (46+ Hours of Classes)
Level 3
Seeing Your Life Through the Eye of Spirit
and Living By Intuition to Live Your Soul Purpose
18 Classes + 2 Weekend Seminars (46+ Hours of Classes)
Level 4
Developing Your Clairvoyant
and Healing Abilities to Live Your Soul Purpose
18 Classes + 2 Weekend Seminars (46+ Hours of Classes)
Level 5
Deprogramming Limitations and Living The Miracle
18 Classes + 2 Weekend Seminars (46+ Hours of Classes)
Pre-Requisite: Completion of all Levels 1 − 4 classes and seminars
Level 6
Introduction to the Seers & Healers Advanced Practice Experience (SHAPE):
Living Clairvoyantly to Heal and Fulfill Your Soul Purpose
Pre-requisite: Successful completion of all requirements of the previous 5 levels of this
12 Classes + 2 Weekend Seminars (31+ Hours of Classes)
SHAPE Community of Advanced Students
Those who have successfully completed all 6 levels of this foundation course may
apply for an invitation to participate in a SHAPE Weekend Intensive or TeleClass. If
after participation and a review the applicant is deemed sufficiently prepared to
continue in the SHAPE Community, full access will be granted.