March 2012
Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul PurposeWith Michael & Raphaelle Tamura

Level 1: 12 Classes
Downloadable Recordings
Developing Your Psychic Abilities to Live Your Soul Purpose Every Day
Who May Attend: This Series is Open to Everyone, from beginners to advanced spiritual seekers.
Cost: Entire Series $650. 12 Classes. Please see the entire description within the "More Information" link.
Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul PurposeWith Michael & Raphaelle Tamura

Level 2: 18 Classes
+ 2 Seminars
Downloadable Recordings
Spiritual Practices to Begin Mastering Psychic Energy and Your Mind to Live Your Soul Purpose
Who May Attend: This Series is Open to Everyone, from beginners to advanced spiritual seekers.
Cost: Entire Series $1370. 18 Classes + 2 Seminars. Please see the entire description within the "More Information" link.
Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul PurposeWith Michael & Raphaelle Tamura

Level 3: 18 Classes
+ 2 Seminars
Downloadable Recordings
Seeing Your Life Through the Eye of Spirit:
Using Your Clairvoyance & Intuition
Who May Attend: This Series is Open to Everyone, from beginners to advanced spiritual seekers.
Cost: Entire Series $1370. 18 Classes + 2 Seminars. Please see the entire description within the "More Information" link.
Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul PurposeWith Michael & Raphaelle Tamura

Level 4: 18 Classes
+ 2 Seminars
Downloadable Recordings
Developing Your Clairvoyant and Healing Abilities to Live Your Soul Purpose
Who May Attend: This Series is Open to Everyone, from beginners to advanced spiritual seekers.
Cost: Entire Series $1370. 18 Classes + 2 Seminars. Please see the entire description within the "More Information" link.
Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul PurposeWith Michael & Raphaelle Tamura

Level 5: 18 Classes
+ 2 Seminars
Downloadable Recordings
Deprogramming Limitations and Living The Miracle
Who May Attend: This Series is Open to Everyone, from beginners to advanced spiritual seekers.
Cost: Entire Series $1370. 18 Classes + 2 Seminars. Please see the entire description within the "More Information" link.
Psychic Tools and Life Mastery Practices for Living Your Soul PurposeWith Michael & Raphaelle Tamura

Level 6: 12 Classes
+ 2 Seminars
Downloadable Recordings
Introduction Into the Seers & Healers Advanced Practice Experience (SHAPE):
Living Clairvoyantly to Heal and Fulfill Your Soul Purpose
Who May Attend: This Series is Open to Everyone, from beginners to advanced spiritual seekers.
Cost: Entire Series $1000. 12 Classes + 2 Seminars. Please see the entire description within the "More Information" link.